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In January of 2024 there were 21,642 Florida children in out of home care.
We Support Children in Out of Home Care

Your donations help us to create opportunities and environments for these children to thrive.

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Transformative Experiences
Join the Team

Volunteer on our team and experience first hand the experiences we are creating to transform the lives of local foster children.

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What We Do

Kids Events

We host events for children in the dependency system to create memories and moments where they can just be kids. Smiles can be rare on children who have experienced trauma, and we are all about creating more of those moments.


We create opportunities for at-risk children to play on sports teams, take dance classes, go to summer camps, and pursue their passions. These opportunities create stories in their life that build resilience so they can rise above their circumstances.


We are a resource to local foster families and out of home caregivers to support the children in their care. We don’t want these kids to be without anything so we provide bags, toiletries, books, and toys to those in need.

2825 Stories (and counting)
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Every year nearly 500,000 children

are impacted by abuse, neglect and trauma and spend time in our nation’s foster care system.

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Rewiring the Brain Through Experience
Cells that fire together, wire together.

Every experience, whether it be a Christmas party or learning to hit a baseball, excite certain brain cells and strengthen them.

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Helping Florida's Little Ones
Florida is home to 682,620 infants and toddlers

About 50% of these children live in homes considered low income or in poverty.

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Every 7 minutes, a baby or toddler in America is removed from his/her parents’ care because of alleged abuse or neglect

(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for children and Families, Children’s Bureau, 2016)

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What You Can Do


Your funds can go such a long way in the life of a child. Thanks to generous donations, we have been sending kids to classes, camps, and lessons, and it is the stories like that that help them grow to their potential.

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By sharing your time and talents you can make a huge difference in the lives of children in dependency. Whether you are painting with them or reading them a story, a little bit of time can make a world of difference.

Do It Now!


By connecting with us you can arm yourself with knowledge about children in dependency and make a difference by sharing that information!

We need you!

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